Now Accepting Applications for Fall 2025 - Seats are Limited
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Due to high demand, we are no longer accepting applications for our Fall 2025 cohort (general and leveling tracks). We encourage you to attend an information session* to learn about the program, admissions requirements, prerequisites and leveling courses, so you are ready to apply when applications open for our January (general track) and August 2026 (general and leveling track) cohorts.
Click here if you are interested in our on-campus MS SLP program.
An Online Pathway Designed for Your Success in Speech-Language Pathology
As the areas of professional practice for speech-language pathologists are rapidly expanding, so are the types of clients they are expected to serve. Ithaca College's online SLP program will equip you with broad clinical experience as well as academic instruction to be workforce ready.
Ithaca College’s online Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (MS-SLP) combines fully online coursework and prerequisites with immersive virtual simulations and in-person clinical experiences, and offers two pathway options:
- A General pathway for students with a background in communication disorders/speech-language-hearing
- A Leveling pathway that incorporates required speech-language-hearing courses for students who do not have that background.
With more than 100 years of experience in SLP education, Ithaca College supports your journey to practice through fully online coursework and prerequisites (alongside in-person clinical experiences). The online Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (MS-SLP) is a competitively priced, accredited program designed to provide the same level of engagement and support you’d receive in an on-campus program. Here, you’ll benefit from:
- Degree completion in less than 3 years (or just over 3.5 years with our leveling track)
- Our history of exceptional program outcomes
- Immersive virtual simulations
- Ongoing student support
- No travel requirements (outside of in-person clinical experiences)
- Clinical placement support in your local area
- The opportunity to earn your degree while maintaining work/life balance
- A connected learning environment
- Engaged faculty dedicated to student success
- A diverse community of peers from across the country
- 53 total credits - general track
- 100% Online Coursework
- No on-campus residency requirement
- Accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (CAA)*
- 8 semesters, part-time (2.7 years to complete)
- Two intakes per year (Fall and Spring)
- Tuition: $55,862*
* Tuition is subject to change during your academic career. The tuition information should be used as a guideline for estimating costs.
- Bachelor’s degree with 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale)
- 2 letters of recommendation
- Prerequisite Science courses
- Required Speech-Language-Hearing leveling courses (general track students only)
- 25 observation hours (general track only)
An evaluation of your transcripts will determine what prerequisite courses are needed.
Required Speech-Language-Hearing Leveling Courses – Offered Online
These required foundational leveling courses are offered online by Ithaca College and can be built into your MSSLP program.
- Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanisms
- Phonetics
- Child Language Development
- Basic Audiology
- Basic Speech Science
- Clinical Observation
An evaluation of your transcripts will determine what prerequisite courses are needed.
Prerequisite Science Courses**
One college-level course in each of the following must be completed before starting your MSSLP program, but you can apply to the program before the coursework is completed.
- Physics or Chemistry
- Biology
- Statistics
- Social or Behavioral Science
An evaluation of your transcripts will determine what prerequisite courses are needed.
**These courses are not offered online and are typically completed elsewhere.
Students from a number of states are welcome to apply to Ithaca College’s online SLP program. Please see our State Authorization page for more detailed information.
Licensure Requirements:
For SLP licensure, every state requires a graduate degree and a passing* score on the Praxis Examination in Speech-Language Pathology. Licensure requirements by state can be viewed here. Please see our state licensure disclosure here.
*Each state determines its passing score for professional licensure and teacher credentialing
Ithaca College is accredited by The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE).
Ithaca College's Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (CAA)*.
*The Master’s of Science (M.S.) education program in speech-language pathology (distance education) at Ithaca College is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard #310, Rockville, Maryland 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.
Our current accreditation period extends through January 31, 2027.
A copy of our department's vision, mission, and strategic plan is available for review.
Information is provided about the development of normal and disordered communication in children from 3 to 21 years of age. Includes material regarding important theories, legislation, service delivery models, assessment, remediation, literacy, and specific populations of special-needs children. Attributes: TE. (3 Credits)
Objectives are to help the student understand basic statistical concepts utilized in research design and in speech-language pathology and audiology. Focus will be on the scientific method as a problem-solving process, developing experimental procedures for answering research questions, learning to establish and test hypotheses, and summarizing and interpreting data. (3 Credits)
Introduction to augmentative communication with discussion of its impact on individuals who are severely speech and language impaired. Students are familiarized with augmentative communication techniques and strategies. Assessment and intervention options are covered. Students have an opportunity for hands-on experience with a variety of augmentative communication devices and other adaptive equipment. Attributes: TE. (3 Credits)
Prepares students to identify, differentiate, and contrast the phenomenology, symptomatology, and diagnostic and therapeutic processes of adult aphasia, apraxia of speech, and related disorders. (S) (3 Credits)
Ready to Speak with an Advisor?
If this program seems right for your SLP future, simply click below to get started.
How will I secure clinical experience placements?
Our dedicated placement team will help you find an appropriate clinical experience so you can save time and focus on your studies.
When do the clinical experiences take place?
Throughout your program, you will have four clinical practica, as well as two full-time externships in the final semester. These experiences will prepare you for a career in speech-language pathology.
What is involved with clinical experiences?
The clinical experiences are designed to provide you with real-world, hands-on experience to complement your classroom learning. These off-campus experiences in practice settings near your home enrich your graduate experience by preparing you for action in the field in a variety of settings.
How far will my clinical experiences be from my home?
Our dedicated placement team will work with you to secure a clinical placement as near to your home as possible.
A Supportive Online Pathway to a Fulfilling SLP Career
With more than 100 years of experience in SLP education, Ithaca College supports your journey through fully online coursework with no travel requirements, clinical experience placements near your home, the same level of support you’d receive in an on-campus program, and exceptional program outcomes.
An Immersive and Connected Online Experience
Designed with the same rigor as a campus program, our online Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology program provides immersive virtual simulations, dedicated faculty attention, and the ability to connect with a diverse community of peers from across the country.
Why Ithaca College?
U.S. News & World Report (2025)
*Ithaca College has offered Speech-Language Pathology programs for more than 100 years as a campus-based program
The program is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (CAA)*.
*The Master’s of Science (M.S.) education program in speech-language pathology (distance education) at Ithaca College is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard #310, Rockville, Maryland 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.
Our current accreditation period extends through January 31, 2027.
A copy of our department's vision, mission, and strategic plan is available for review.
The degree can be completed in 8 semesters (2.7 years) without prerequisite courses or 11 semesters (3.7 years) with prerequisite courses.
Yes! Ithaca College has a more than 100-year legacy in SLP education, so you can expect a quality education taught by expert faculty dedicated to student success.
Yes! This program is designed specifically for working professionals to maintain work/life balance. No campus visits or travel are required. However, in your last semester you will be expected to dedicate time to clinical experiences and work commitments may need to change.
Ithaca College’s offers two online pathways to an MS-SLP:
- A General pathway for those with a Speech-Language-Hearing background.
- A Leveling pathway that incorporates required foundational Speech-Language-Hearing coursework.
General students have a bachelor’s degree and have completed all their foundational Speech-Language-Hearing coursework.
- They have bachelor’s degree in communication sciences and disorders/speech-language hearing fields and have completed all the necessary foundational courses.
- They have a bachelor’s in another field but have completed the foundational SLP coursework in a leveling or bridge program.
Leveling students typically do not have a communication sciences and disorders/speech-language-hearing background and require foundational coursework to begin the MS-SLP program.
Ithaca’s MSSLP online leveling pathway includes 6 foundational speech-language-hearing courses, completed over 1 year before starting your graduate SLP courses.
Foundational Speech-Language-Hearing Leveling Courses are the core courses required to enter the MS-SLP program. These are typically included in a Speech-Language Hearing bachelor’s program or bridge program, but Ithaca College offers an optional online MS-SLP pathway that incorporates these foundational courses into the SLP degree.
Leveling courses include Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanisms, Phonetics, Child Language Development, Basic Audiology, Basic Speech Science and Clinical Observation.
Prerequisite Science Courses are typically taken elsewhere and must be completed by both General and Leveling students before entering Ithaca’s MSSLP program. However, students can apply to the MSSLP program before the prerequisite coursework is completed.
Students must take one college class in Physics or Chemistry, Biology, Statistics and Social or Behavioral Science.
If you have completed any leveling courses with a B or higher, you do not need to retake them. Upon the completion and verification of a completed CSDCAS application, your application and transcripts are reviewed to determine your plan of study and any outstanding coursework, or requirements needed.
After reviewing our site, we encourage you to submit a request for information, which will direct you to a program brochure page with a link to register for one of our upcoming information session webinars. The information session webinar is a valuable opportunity to hear from an admissions advisor to gain a comprehensive understanding of the program, requirements, application process and more. You’ll also learn from a live audience Q&A session.
CSDCAS (Centralized Application Service for Communication Sciences and Disorders) is a centralized application service for graduate SLP programs, including Ithaca College’s online MSSLP. When you are ready to apply to Ithaca’s online MSSLP program, you will be directed to the CSDCAS site.
Yes, to prevent delays in the verification process all applicants must provide official transcripts from ALL colleges and universities where they have received college credit. Transcripts are required to submit your courses to your CSDCAS application.
Upon the completion and verification of a completed CSDCAS application, your application and transcripts are reviewed to determine your plan of study and any outstanding requirements needed.
Due to the high demand and limited MSSLP program capacity application deadlines can change. Please refer to https://csdcas.liaisoncas.com/applicant-ux/#/login for the most up-to-date deadline information.
SLP By the Numbers
The demand for speech-language pathologists is one of the fastest growing in the United States. SLPs work in a variety of environments, including education and healthcare, across the lifespan with individuals who are experiencing communication and/or swallowing disorders, including such positions as:
- Special education teacher
- Administrator
- College faculty
- Researchers
- Doctoral candidates
- Consultants